Country Living

What Bulbs To Plant Now For Gorgeous Summer Blooms

Spring is finally in the air. The daffodils and tulips are blooming, adding much-needed color after winter. Spring flowers get all the attention when it comes to beautiful, colorful flowers, but summer flowers can come with just as much if not more color. Here are summer-blooming bulbs to plant now that will bring your summer garden to life.

When To Plant

Before we jump into what to plant, it’s important to know when. The continental United States has as many as 11 hardiness zones. In each zone, winter is either warmer or colder by 10 degrees. This means the last date for a killing frost is going to vary wildly between regions. Some of the bulbs we will mention can handle a light frost, but most will not be able to stand a hard freeze. Before planting, do research on your zone to make sure the flowers you want to plant will make it to summer.

Oriental Lilies

These easy-to-grow, fragrant flowers will be a show-stopper in your garden. They come in various colors and heights, making them flexible enough for any type of garden. While these flowers can tolerate partial shade, they grow best in full sun. Space lilies about a foot apart when planting and stake the stems as they grow; their blossoms are heavy and require extra support.


Dahlias not only make great cut flower arrangements but are some of the longest blooming flowers in the garden. These beautiful flowers will begin blooming during the summer months and will continue to do so until the first frost kills them. They come in every color of the rainbow and of all sizes. Plant them in an area with full sun after the threat of frost has passed.


Shade-loving and easy to grow, begonias make a great addition to your garden and can even grow well in pots or hanging baskets. Their blooms resemble roses and vary in color. When planting, find an area where the soil drains well. Space the tubers about eight to 12 inches apart. After, water generously to settle the soil around them. Once the season is over,store the tubers for many more years of blooms.


If you love cut flowers (who doesn’t?) then you’ll love ranunculus. They have gorgeous rose-like petals that come in all sorts of colors. Their straight stem allows for the perfect cut, and they have a long vase life. Ranunculus require full sun and are planted four to six inches apart and about two inches deep. Water initially after planting then refrain from watering until the leaves begin to sprout.


These tall, trumpet-shaped flowers look impressive growing behind other flowers in your garden. They come in various sizes and an array of colors to choose from. Unlike other summer bulbs, they come in corms as opposed to tubers. Plant in an area with full sun spacing each corm two to four inches apart and about a foot deep. Space out the planting of gladiolus every few weeks to keep the blooms coming throughout the summer.

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